A mommy makeover can restore your body & your confidence

A mommy makeover at Boston Plastic Surgery may be just what you need to restore your pre-baby body if you are done having children. From weight gain to sagging skin, the physical effects that come with childbirth can take their toll on any woman’s body, and that’s where a mommy makeover comes in to help restore your appearance and your confidence.

When you think about getting a mommy makeover, don’t just picture surgery—envision an entire experience where you are cared for, rejuvenated, and celebrated for everything you have accomplished as a person, while using this surgery as a tool to minimize some of the effects of pregnancy on your body.

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is an expertly crafted combination of surgical procedures that helps restore body shape after childbirth or significant weight fluctuations. The goal of this comprehensive approach is to tighten areas affected by pregnancy while creating curves in those places where they have been lost over time. This makeover procedure can be tailored based on your individual needs and desires.

The results are often remarkable: many women find themselves feeling more like the person they were before having children, looking younger, with increased feelings of personal satisfaction. 

A typical mommy makeover can include a tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast surgery (which could be an augmentation, breast reduction, or breast lift).

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Benefits Of A Mommy Makeover

The physical benefits of a mommy makeover involve changes to your body from the surgery: it is possible to reduce fat deposits in targeted areas, eliminate some stretch marks, fix separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), tighten loose skin, restore volume loss in breasts due to breastfeeding, elevate stretched or sagging skin on the stomach area and lift droopy breasts.

Not only does a mommy makeover put back together what pregnancy takes apart, it also often results in an improved body image, increased confidence, and enhanced self-esteem. These emotional benefits occur because it is impossible to fully separate our inner and outer selves. Making changes to either our inner or outer self affects the other—and we want you to both look and feel good.

Since all these procedures are often done at once, during one operation, recovery is faster than if each cosmetic surgery procedure were performed separately. 

Popular Procedures Involved In A Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover often involves more than one of these procedures:

No matter what type of procedure you choose as part of your mommy makeover, it’s important to discuss all aspects of the process thoroughly during your consultation, including potential risks and complications. Dr. Samaha will evaluate your individual needs and provide tailored advice on how best to achieve desired results.

What To Expect During A Mommy Makeover Procedure

First, you’ll consult with Dr. Samaha about the various options available to you. During this conversation, Dr. Samaha will learn from you about your health, your particular physiology, your desires, as well as your medical history and your experiences during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s likely that one or more treatments like liposuction, breast augmentation or lift, tummy tuck surgery or even facial rejuvenation will be suggested as a way to accomplish your goals.

After consultation, we will schedule surgery for anyone who is a good candidate and who wants to move forward with a mommy makeover. You’ll receive specific instructions to get ready for your surgery day and our staff will help guide you so that you are ready for the procedure. Each surgery is different, based on the combined procedures performed and the particular circumstances encountered during surgery. For a breast augmentation and tummy tuck, surgery typically lasts 3-5 hours.

Most patients experience minimal discomfort following Mommy Makeovers due to advances in minimally invasive surgery techniques. The cost of the procedure varies greatly depending on the type of surgeries needed and other factors particular to each patient’s situation; however, financing plans are available that allow you to spread out payments over time so it doesn’t have too much impact on your budget all at once.

Recovery times vary but are generally short, on the order of a few weeks; some patients only require a few days off work while others may need up to two weeks before resuming normal activities. It’s important to follow any postoperative instructions given by your surgeon including taking medications as prescribed and wearing compression garments if necessary. Doing so will help ensure optimal results from your treatment and help minimize any potential side effects or complications.

Importance Of Choosing A Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon for your mommy makeover is an important decision. Dr. Samaha is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in a variety of cosmetic procedures, including breast reduction, breast lift, and other aspects of a mommy makeover. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and you can click here to read about his credentials as a Boston plastic surgeon

In addition to looking at a surgeon’s credentials, you can also: 

  • Examine reviews from former patients
  • Compare before and after photos
  • Ask how often mommy makeover surgery is performed each month
  • Note how long a surgeon has served the community

Dr. Samaha is well known for his experience and deeply compassionate approach to medical care in Boston, whether helping patients plan for, undergo, or recover from surgery. It’s not unusual for our patients to refer other family members to us.

Risks And Complications Of A Mommy Makeover

It is important to understand the risks and complications associated with this procedure. As with any surgery, there are potential dangers that come along with undergoing breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction procedures, as well as any other procedure performed as part of a mommy makeover. We will go over possible complications with you as part of your consultation and preparations for surgery.

Ultimately then, when considering changes as significant as those offered through a mommy makeover, safety should always be top priority – no matter how much we yearn for our pre-baby bodies back!

Types Of Anesthesia Used For A Mommy Makeover

A makeover typically requires general anesthesia administered by an experienced anesthesiologist who will monitor your vitals throughout the surgery. General anesthesia makes you unconscious and unable to feel any pain during your procedure. This is different from local anesthesia, which numbs only the area being operated on so that you can stay awake while still feeling very little discomfort or pain.

Recovery After A Mommy Makeover

Recovery from a mommy makeover depends largely on which combination of surgeries you choose for your transformation. Generally speaking, if you opt for breast augmentation or breast reduction only, you’ll likely have an easier time recovering than if you had other more extensive treatments such as tummy tuck along with your breast surgery. It is also important to note that in most cases patients may experience increased swelling post-procedure. It is common to experience some level of swelling, bruising, discomfort, scarring, as well as emotional ups and downs during your recovery, but most patients say the results are well worth it. 

To maximize healing and minimize downtime after surgery, you’re expected to follow our post operative instructions carefully and take all prescribed medications as directed. You’ll have required downtime after this surgery, including avoiding strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects or exercising for a period of time, usually 4 weeks after the procedure date. Post-operative compression garments are also a part of this process, and they help achieve  optimal results, reduce swelling, and provide improved comfort throughout the recovery period.

Planning for the Logistics of Recovery Before Getting A Mommy Makeover

Since you need time to bounce back from surgery, it is essential to think about any changes in lifestyle that you will need to make during recovery. 

  • You should plan ahead so you can follow all our pre-op instructions and be well rested for the day of surgery.
  • You should plan ahead by taking time off from work or organizing childcare if needed.
  • You’ll want a trusted partner who can help assist you on the day of surgery and in the days after.
  • You’ll want to arrange transportation from home to the clinic before your procedure as you won’t be able to drive yourself post-surgery due to the anesthesia used during the process.

Cost Of A Boston Mommy Makeover

The cost of a mommy makeover in Boston can vary greatly depending on the individual’s needs and the number of procedures performed. Each procedure comes with its own associated costs which can range from several thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

We will be able to give you an estimate based on the type of surgeries being performed, how long they’ll take and other factors like anesthesia fees. It is also possible to finance your surgery.  

What To Avoid After A Mommy Makeover

Once you’ve undergone these treatments and surgeries, there are some things you should avoid doing—especially during your recovery period. First, keep physical activity to a minimum and plan for at least a few days where you won’t be doing any heavy lifting. Strenuous activities and exercise may be restricted for several weeks. Second, don’t forget about skincare; moisturizing daily helps promote healthy skin. And finally, be aware of how much sun exposure you’re getting while healing; UV rays can damage sensitive tissue, darken scars, and delay healing times.

Your final results will become gradually apparent over several weeks to several months as swelling begins to subside. Most mothers are able to resume normal activities—including work—within two weeks of surgery, meaning you won’t have to miss out on playing with your family for very long.

Long-Term Results Of A Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover offers a life-changing transformation, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Surgically removing tissue allows us to reshape the parts of your body that changed during childbirth and provide you with a strong intervention that lasts for many years. 

Depending on your age and lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol, you may need touch ups in some areas over time. If you properly follow post-surgery instructions and protect yourself from UV rays, then you should expect to enjoy the results for quite a while.

Our patients are often delighted with the new shape that they were unable to achieve through diet and exercise alone. Plus, there is no denying the satisfaction of looking in the mirror and seeing your best self reflected back at you!

Mommy Makeover Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is a mommy makeover recovery?

A: A typical recovery will take between four and six weeks although this varies from person to person based upon their specific case. You should be able to resume work within two weeks after surgery while still being restricted from strenuous exercise for several weeks. During this period, certain activities should be avoided such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise so that healing may occur properly for best results. Though you should be able to resume normal daily activities within two weeks post-surgery, be sure to follow our instructions throughout the entire process!

Q: Is Financing Available For A Mommy Makeover?

A: Yes, financing is available for a mommy makeover  — but as with any financial decision, you need to do your research and understand all of your options. We can suggest lenders and help you get an understanding of what will fit into your budget. There are also online lenders that specialize in medical loans for cosmetic surgery, so take some time to compare rates before making a final decision.

Q: Who is a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

A: You are a good mommy makeover candidate if you:

  • Are healthy and have a stable weight
  • Are dissatisfied with post-pregnancy changes to your body
  • Have realistic goals and expectations

Whether a mommy makeover is a good fit for you depends on a number of factors. As your weight fluctuates during pregnancy, your skin can become loose and stubborn pockets of fat can persist long after childbirth, despite a regular diet and exercise routine. A mommy makeover is designed to help you reclaim your figure and boost your confidence so you can focus on what’s important: your family.

Q: Are There Non-Surgical Options For A Mommy Makeover?

A: Yes, if your desired change is less drastic than what surgery offers, there are non-surgical options you should consider:

  1. Injectable fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines while adding volume and contouring.
  2. Skin resurfacing treatments like laser resurfacing or chemical peels can help tighten skin, improve texture, and even out discoloration.
  3. Fat reduction procedures like CoolSculpting can remove unwanted fat pockets in areas like the abdomen or thighs.

These treatments offer good results with minimal downtime so patients can get back to feeling confident about their bodies without having to take time off from work or family obligations.

Q: How Soon After Having A Baby Can I Get A Mommy Makeover?

A: If you have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery with no postpartum issues like infections or bleeding, six months should be sufficient time for you to recover from childbirth and begin preparing for a mommy makeover. You should not rush this process and it’s ok to take time to adjust to life with your child, to make adjustments for your own health and physical activity, and to make sure your body is in a healthy place before having surgery. For pregnancies that involve complications or challenging deliveries, plan on taking extra time beyond six months to recover and plan on discussing your situation during your consultation.  

It’s also important to factor in recovery times—depending on the type of surgery you opt for, it can take several weeks before you feel fully recovered. Ultimately, there isn’t one definitive answer; talk through all aspects with your healthcare provider so together you can decide what’s right for you.

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