Avoiding Opioids in Plastic Surgery Pain Management – with Dr. Fouad Samaha – Episode 76

Posted on December 20, 2023 | by
Dr. Samaha on the Plastic Surgery Decoded podcast

Boston Plastic Surgery’s very own Dr. Fouad Samaha recently appeared on an episode of Regina Nnouhan, MD’s podcast Plastic Surgery Decoded.

About the Episode

Any procedure can be associated with unwanted discomfort or pain.  One of the standard tools for minimizing that has been what are called opioids, which are generally quite effective.  But as you no doubt are aware, opioids can cause some unintended problems, most notably addiction-potential.

These potential problems have prompted exploration into the possibility of alternatives.  And that exploration has been quite fruitful!

In this episode, we speak with a long-practicing plastic surgeon, Dr. Fouad Samaha, who shares his good ideas about effective pain control in plastic surgery, and alternatives to opioids.

Listen to the full episode here